Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Convicted Imagination

Imagine a cell, barred with bars of the strongest metal to be sure that what it contains does not escape. Within the cell resides creatures and scenery of the most vibrant nature. A river of the deepest aqua slices through a feild containing emerald blades of grass. A tree holding endless amounts of limbs reaches towards a golden sun which bathes each item in a most glorious light. Throughout the scene leaps creatures both known and unknown. An elf jumps from one of the many limbs of the tree and races to a dragon waiting in the water. At the wings of the dragon fly pixies and butterflies whom sparkle a diamond dust which shimmers in the sun's vibrant light. Everything pauses as a door opens in the castle which stands on the edge of the flowing river, the holder of this world (the queen), emerges. She walks with a man who belongs to a world unlike this one. His colour is dull and with each step, drakness seems to fall upon the ground. He stops and gazes at the beautiful queen as he reaches to his sheath. In one swift motion, he pulls a black blade and plunges it into the heart of the queen. She falls to the ground and darkness begins to envelop the land. The man walks to the cell door and draws a ring of keys from his pocket. He leaves, locking the door and this magical world forever. All of this resides in the clouded mind of a child. She sits in a class with dull walls and harsh lights. In front of her stands a teacher in a gloomy, arrogant state. His clothes are that of a dull nature and his temper portrudes darkness upon the class He turns to one side and as he does, he reaches into his black sheath and pulls a piece of chalk. He writes on the board in one dreary motion, and in that motion the girl's imagination is forever locked up, unable to escape it's metal bars.

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