Thursday, March 12, 2009

Homicidal Acts of Kindness

The title Homicidal Acts of Kindness sounds intriguing to me.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Help me understand.

Help me understand why the shadows move in constant direction, disappearing, overlapping, contorting the situation at hand.

Help me understand why the sun never rises any more to cast our shadows.

Help me understand why when it does, mine is the only one I can see.

Help me understand.

Because I don't understand.
Today walking home, I passed a hedge who's leaves were made of sparrows chirping excitedly and I jumped over a gushing river made by someone's burst water pipe.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Theo and the Sky Captain

The crash happened around midnight and Theo awoke with fright. What was it? He wondered as he pushed himself out of bed. He stood still for a moment trying to make out the sounds of his parents awakening but instead all he heard was a faint snore coming from their room. He decided it was safe to move about.
The crash had come from the roof and Theo figured that the only way to figure out what caused it was to go outside and look. So he tiptoed out into the family room, grabbed his sweater and his shoes then made his way out into the night.
The night sky was littered with stars and the moon was full. There was not a cloud in sight. Theo spun in a circle watching as the stars spun with him until his eyes fell on a dark shadow hanging in the sky. It could not be a cloud because it was too dark and its shape too round. As Theo squinted to make out the shape, he realized that there was a long ladder hanging down from it all the way down onto his roof.
“Excuse me my boy!” a booming voice called from his rooftop, “Can you give us a hand here?”
Theo stood in awe as a tall bearded man made his way out of the darkness. His coat was fitted with brass buttons, his britches held tight to his calves with strong leather boots and on top of his head there lay a beautiful captain’s hat. This man was everything he aspired to be.
Through his amazement, Theo managed a small nod.
“I’ll send a ladder down for you lad!” The man said and immediately a ladder was thrown from the top of the roof to the ground.
Theo hesitated for a moment then ran to the base of the ladder with excitement. When he made it to the top, the man reached out a strong callused hand to help him up.
“The name’s Captain Vaughn, nice to meet you!” The captain said shaking Theo’s hand. It looked like a doll’s hand compared to the captain’s.
When on his feet, Theo looked around at the circle of men standing around on his roof. “Um, excuse me, Captain Vaughn?” Theo asked.
“Yes my boy?” The Captain answered.
“Why are you all on my roof?”
“Well,” Captain Vaughn began, “We need your help.”
Theo looked at the captain skeptically, “Help with what?”
Captain Vaughn beamed and crossed his arms, “HIT THE LIGHTS BOYS!” he yelled and pointed up with his free hand.
Theo’s eyes grew wide as he looked up and a shiver of excitement crawled down his spine. One by one various lights began to light up on the side of the huge shadow revealing the most magnificent airship.
“That,” Captain Vaughn said with pride, “is The Sylph.”
“It’s amazing!” Theo gasps walking around the roof to get better views of the base of the ship, “I can’t believe something like this actually exists!”
“Well yes, it is amazing.” The Captain sighed, “But at the moment, it’s not exactly mobile. This is why we need your help.”
“Sure! Anything!” Theo said enthusiastically.
Captain Vaughn smiled and clapped the crew to their feet, ordering them around and assigning different jobs
“You,” He said pointing at Theo, “will accompany me up to the control car.”
“Really?” Theo asked excitedly.
“Of course! You want to help don’t you?”
Theo nodded and followed Captain Vaughn to the base of the rope ladder hanging from The Sylph. It was a long way to the top and Theo was frightened that he wouldn’t make it. But as he and the Captain grabbed hold of the first steps, the ladder began to retract and they were reaching the ship faster than they would have if they had climbed.
“Even though they look quite tough,” The Captain explained, “The crew still gets scared when it comes to that ladder.”
Theo laughed and then looked around the control room. There were maps, charts, and compasses sprawled everywhere. The walls were lined with tall paned glass windows and in the centre of the room; there lay a huge wooden wheel as though straight from a pirate ship. Small screens flashed diagrams of the interior and exterior of the ship and levers sprouted out from dashboards circling the car.
“Wow.” Theo breathed, amazed at all the various trinkets.
“Now lad, I need you on that lever over there.” Captain Vaughn instructed pointing at the lever nearest to Theo. “When I say go, pull ‘er down for me, okay?”
Theo nodded and placed both his hands on the handle.
“Alright men, turning the engine propeller!” The Captain yelled through a microphone hanging from the ceiling. “Okay, Theo, pull the lever!”
Theo pulled down with all his might, there was a sudden jerk, a bang, and then a low hum could be heard throughout the airship.
“Great job Theo!” The captain beamed and turned back to the microphone, “Regulating the hydrogen! Cut those ropes men, and climb aboard! Let’s get this ship moving!” Captain Vaughn turned a wheel on the dash and soon Theo could hear the sound of the ladder retracting.
A young woman with short hair stuck her head into the control car, “Sir, the crews all on board.”
“Alright Casey, tell everyone to get to they’re posts.” Captain Vaughn said and turned to the microphone, “LET LOOSE THE BALLAST!” He shouted.
Theo heard a rumbling come from within the shift, the diagram changed on the screen in front of him, and as he turned to look out of the window, he noticed the ship gaining elevation.
“Alright Theo, how about that ride?” Captain Vaughn said turning to him.
Theo shook his head, “I can’t, I have to get back to bed before my parents wake up.”
The Captain looked at Theo with confusion for a moment then smiled, “Of course we’ll get you down on the ground and back to bed in no ---
Suddenly a red light began to flash and a siren sounded throughout the giant airship. Theo jumped with fright.
The woman, Casey, stuck her head back into the control car, “There’s a distress signal coming from an airship within the clouds Captain. They say it’s urgent”
The Captain flashed a sympathetic look at Theo, “Sorry lad, but we have to take this. The Sylph is a rescue boat, there’s no time to get you back on the ground!”
“But--!” Theo tried to call but before he knew it, the captain was already at the wheel and increasing the ship’s speed. Casey entered the control car and sat down at a stool in front of one of the control boards.
“8,000 ft.” She read marking it down on one of the charts. Theo figured she must be the navigator.
He walked slowly to the window, put his fingers to the glass and watched as his town disappeared in a mess of clouds.
“10, 000 ft.” Casey said in a monotone voice.
Theo watched the wisps of cloud pass by, wrapping its white hands around the shape of the airship. Then the clouds gave way to clear air. Theo gasped and stepped back from the window. The scenery had changed drastically, the sky could not be seen but was covered by what seemed like a dome shaped cloud and floating islands could be spotted in the distance.
A giant shadow began to fall over the control car as a glorious whale shaped creature flew by the window, flapping it featherless wings. Theo became entranced in the creature’s movement; his eyes followed the wings as the seemed to ripple with the air.
“Welcome,” The Captain boomed, “to The Land within the Clouds!”
“This is real?” Theo cried excitedly.
“You better believe it!” Captain Vaughn said, “Now, lets go find us a ship in distress.”
“The signal originates from this area right here.” Casey said pointing to a spot on her map.
“Okay, set the coordinates to that location.” Captain Vaughn ordered turning his wheel. Theo watched as the ship began to turn towards a patch of clouds that appeared darker than the rest.
“It’s a storm.” Theo said his brow furrowed.
“That it is.” Captain Vaughn answered, “Looks like this ship is having a little trouble with the lighting.”
Slowly, Theo watched as the shape of a smaller airship appeared within the storm. Forks of lighting were striking all around it and wind was pushing it around in circles.
“Alright men, we’ve approached the ship! Everyone to their positions, let’s reel her in!” Captain Vaughn called into the microphone.
“Theo, grab onto something!” The captain yelled, “We’re heading into some unstable air!”
Immediately, Theo’s hand shot out to grab hold of the railing circling to the control car. As The Sylph began to close in on the ship in distress, the control car began to shake tossing some of Casey’s tools about. Theo tightened his grasp.
Cables began to shoot out from the sides of the airship and attaching themselves onto the sides of the ship in distress, stabilizing it from the wind.
“Nice work gentlemen, now lets reel ‘er in.” The captain ordered into the microphone.
Slowly the ship began to move closer to The Sylph until it was bound still up against the ship’s side. Theo sighed a sigh of relief but just then a fork of lighting branched out from the dark clouds and kissed the top of the other ship sprouting fire where it touched.
“Captain, they’re hit!” Casey yelled, running to the window.
The Captain frowned and wiped his brow, “Theo! Take the wheel!” He called motioning for Theo, “I have to go help put out the fire!”
“What?” The asked suddenly nervous, “But I can’t fly this ship!”
“Theo, please! You can do it, I have faith in you!” The Captain grabbed Theo’s hand and placed it on the wheel, “You’ll make a great captain!” Captain Vaughn said and then raced out of the control car door.
Theo looked to Casey for help but received none as he noticed that she was too involved in her own work of measuring the altitude of the ship. Realizing it was all up to him; Theo grasped the wheel tightly and took a deep breath. He could feel a slight pull of the wheel but he fought it with all his might and tried to remain stable.
Through the side of his eye, Theo could see the fire on the other ship slowly go out as a stream of water was sent over it.
“They did it!” He cried with relief.
“You did it!” Captain Vaughn said as he re-entered the room, “Now Theo, lets get out of this storm.”
“But…” Theo began.
“Just turn the wheel slightly and watch as the ship turns.” Captain Vaughn instructed as he moved to Theo’s side.
Feelings of pride washed over Theo as he saw the ship turn away from the lighting and exit the dark perilous clouds back into the clear air. He let go a loud breath and a yawn.
“Very well done Captain Theo. But I think its time you went to bed.” The Captain gestured to a hammock hanging in the corner of the control car and giving back the wheel, Theo made his way towards it. He was asleep as soon as he closed his eyes.
The bells of his alarm clock rang throughout his room and Theo’s eyes jutted open. He was back in his room. Theo frowned and a vast feeling of disappointment came over him. He slowly got out of bed and made his way towards the kitchen where he poured himself a bowl of cornflakes.
Sad, Theo sat down at the table and put his head in his hand. He gazed out the window at the bright blue sky with a yearning to be flying once again.
His mother yawned as she walked into the room, “Good morning Theo.” She said.
“Morning…” Theo mumbled, he didn’t think it was a particularly good morning.
“Hey Theo,” His mom asked, “Do you know what that bang was on the roof last night?”
Theo’s eyes widened in shock, he quickly turned to his mother, spilling his cereal on the table. Happiness washed over him and he beamed as he ran out the door…

"We need your help again Theo."